Saturday, April 11, 2009

in the town.

here you'll find self imposed suicide hookers.
born again faith addicts, only to falter to their coke snorting cock-sucking ways.

here you'll find the freshest of the crop.
the new and willing, the eager and naively innocent...waiting to be harvested amongst a field of crows nests and ravens.

this is the same place you will find a washed up old bum with something to prove.
an attitude to further his current social stereotype, a pungent waste of oxygen.

you will also be so lucky to find the genuine young fellow, who has yet to get the point.
he will repeat, repeat, repeat his selfish actions.

you can also find places to shit.
only to find that these are the same places you frequently dine.

in the town you will find faggots, niggers, hippies, honkeys, tweekers, dropouts, lawyers and scum...whores and pigs. Rats, has-beens, pussies and docs...animals amongst the zoo in town.

failure to think on my own behalf has kept me here.
goodbye catalyst.

this is the town I live in.
you we're once a part of it too.

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